
Neuhoff Fund for Endowment

This Fund was started as the unrestricted endowment of the Foundation by a generous donation by Mr. & Mrs. Neuhoff, long-time members of the Colorado Mountain Club. The Board of the Colorado Mountain Club Foundation has been adding to the principal of the Endowment for many years as it has received contributions designated for endowment, and as it has transferred unrestricted contributions. The Board has determined that principal within the Endowment will not be spent, and that income earned by the invested principal will be transferred to the General Fund. Money in the General Fund can be used by the Foundation for any reason consistent with the charitable tax status 501(c)3 of the Foundation, and the Statement of Purposes of the Foundation.

Gehres Fourteeners Fund for Endowment

This Fund was created many years ago in recognition of the many mountaineering achievements of our Board Member, Jim Gehres, to provide funding in perpetuity for needs related to Colorado’s high peaks and adjacent areas. Identified needs are:

  • Protection from encroachment;
  • Protection from damage due to overuse;
  • Protecting public access to the peaks;
  • Providing public education with regard to conservation, preservation and sanitation;
  • Providing peak registers;
  • Providing descriptions, maps, signs, and markers;

All contributions to The Gehres Fourteeners Fund are added to principal. Earnings from the investments in which this principal is placed are transferred to the income account, and are considered as available for the purposes of The Gehres Fourteeners Fund.

Kindig Fellowship Fund for Endowment

Another long-standing Fund within the Foundation created in recognition of the good work provided by our first Treasurer, Dr. Neal Kindig (deceased). Earnings from this Fund are used to fund fellowship scholarships that are granted annually by the Kindig Fellowship Fund Committee. Scholarship applications are received annually from students who are studying the flora and fauna of the mountains. All contributions to The Kindig Fellowship Fund are added to the principal. Earnings from the investments in which this principal is placed are transferred to the income account, and are considered available for the fellowship scholarships.

Colorado Mountain Club Foundation General Fund

All unrestricted contributions received by The Colorado Mountain Club Foundation are placed into the General Fund. The General Fund is used for the general and unrestricted purposes of The Colorado Mountain Club Foundation. All distributions from the General Fund are decided by the Board.

Mary Stockdill Education Scholarship Fund

The Fund is named in honor of Mary Stockdill, a longtime member of the Colorado Mountain Club, who was particularly active in the outdoor education of young people. The Fund seeks to provide financial support for girls primarily younger than age of twelve to attend CMC educational programs that include climbing and/or outdoor education components. Amount up to $600 of the value of the Fund shall be distributed annually to scholarship recipients.

Colorado Mountain Club Perpetual Endowment Fund

The Fund was established in 2012 during the CMC’s Centennial Year. It is the belief that a strong perpetual endowment fund will help grow and strengthen the CMC through the next one hundred years. Any and all gifts to the Fund shall be protected, and are considered to be contributions to the principal, or the corpus, of the fund. Only a portion of the income earned from the assets of the Fund may be distributed. The Fund seeks to provide financial support for the activities and programs of the CMC’s general and unrestricted programming, including, but not limited to, education, recreation, and conservation, through and around the Colorado landscape.

Steve Gladbach Education Fund

The Fund was established in 2013 and named in honor of Steve Gladbach, a longtime member of the CMC who was particularly active in mountaineering education. It is the intent of the Donor that the principal of the Fund will be not be fully distributed in less than nine years. Additional charitable contributions may be added to the principal of the Fund, thereby extending the life of the Fund. The Fund shall be distributed annually for mountain safety education, including but not limited to mountain safety training in CMC groups, online lectures and/or webinars, and mountaineering leadership training for high school students and young adults. Training should be made available to the online community, when possible.

Eckart Roder Education Fund

The Fund is named in honor of Eckart Roder who was a long time member of the Colorado Mountain Club, exemplifying the values of mountain safety, responsibility and courtesy. The Fund seeks primarily to provide support for the education programs of the Colorado Mountain Club as recommended by the Advisory Committee and approved by the CMC Board of Directors. The Advisory Committee will recommend the amount to be distributed based upon goals for the Fund.

William D. Piety Perpetual Conservation Endowment Fund

The Fund is named in honor of William D. Piety, who is not only committed, but also ethically obligated to help preserve the profound spirituality of the outdoors for future generations. A life centered naturalist, and avid hiker/member of the CMC from early 1980s, he has been active in conservation and preservation of wild lands, with the CMC. The Fund seeks to provide financial support for the activities and programs of the CMC’s Conservation Department, including but not limited to preserving and protecting wild lands and engaging CMC members and youth in stewardship projects throughout Colorado. In addition, support of “on the ground research” is of particular interest to the mission of the endowment. Outdoor education and long term conservation of biologically rich and rare lands for future generations is paramount to the Fund. It is the intent of the Donor that the Fund constitutes a permanent and perpetual endowment whereby only the earning and income can be distributed for conservation work.

Anchor Fund

The Anchor Fund was established in 2016 by longtime members of the CMC who have given generously to the CMC but prefer to remain anonymous. At the discretion of the CMC Foundation, the fourfold purpose of the Fund is to support: (1) the needs of the general operating fund of the CMC; (2) ongoing Denver Group schools and recruitment and school tuition for Denver Group trip leaders; (3) recruitment and further training of Denver Group trip leaders, outside of existing internal Denver Group schools; and (4) trail building and trail maintenance.